rayne OR water OR stremys finds pages with any or all of the words
rayne AND water AND stremys finds only pages with all of the words
rayne AND water AND NOT stremys finds only pages with the words rayne and water that do not contain the word stremys
"rayne in the strete" finds pages with that exact phrase
"rayne strete"~4 finds pages with the word rayne and the word strete no farther than four words apart
ray?e finds pages with the words rayne and rayse
ray*e finds pages with the words raykande, raylede, rayne, rayse, raysede, and rayssede
rayne~ finds pages with words similar to rayne according to the Levenshtein distance algorithm (fuzzy matching). By putting a number between zero and one immediately after the tilde, you can control the Levenshtein distance (degree of fuzziness)
For example, rayne~0.05 finds words remotely similar to rayne while rayne~0.95 finds words very similar to rayne. If you do not specify, the default is ~0.5.